Sample - PHP
Web Service
Connecting to the Web Service from PHP can be accomplished using the SoapClient
class included with PHP version 5 and later:
$sc = new SoapClient('');
$params = new stdClass();
$params->returnCSVString = false;
$params->externalLogin = 'mylogin';
$params->password = 'mypassword';
$params->clientBillingReference = 'myclientbillingreference';
$params->clientMessageReference = 'myclientmessagereference';
$params->originator = 'mynumber';
$params->destinations = '+447912345678';
$params->body = utf8_encode('hello world');
$params->validity = 72;
$params->characterSetID = 2;
$params->replyMethodID = 4;
$params->replyData = '';
$params->statusNotificationUrl = '';
$result = $sc->__call('SendSMS', array($params));
echo $result->SendSMSResult;
You can call any of the Web Service methods in a similar manner. When using different methods be sure to change the highlighted text to match the name of the method you are calling. You can specify a proxy server if required:
$proxy = array(
'proxy_host' => '',
'proxy_port' => '8080',
'proxy_login' => 'myproxyusername',
'proxy_password' => 'myproxypassword');
$sc = new SoapClient('', $proxy);